Thursday, October 30, 2014

Journal of Scientometric Research - New issue online; Includes a paper on "Eugene Garfield: Glimpses of his writings"

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CoverpageTable of Contents - Journal of Scientometric Research (J Sci Res)
2014 | January-April | Volume 3 | Issue 1


Editorial [pg. 1]
Sujit Bhattacharya
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A new model to identify the productivity of theses in terms of articles using co-word analysis [pg. 3]
Mery Piedad Zamudio Igami, José Carlos Bressiani, Rogerio Mugnaini
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An index that rates relevance of scientific work in bio-sciences: The scientific relevance-index [pg. 15]
Demosthenes B Panagiotakos, Fragiskos G Bersimis
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Application of Bradford's law to the evaluation of book collection of library of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre [pg. 22]
Priya Girap, Tara Ashok, Karanam Bhanumurthy
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The role of National journals on the rise in Brazilian Agricultural Science Publications in Web of Science [pg. 28]
Rosely A Vargas, Samile Andrea de Souza Vanz, Ida R. C Stumpf
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Transmission power in some particular cases of bi- or tri-dimensional complex systems [pg. 37]
Eustache Mêgnigbêto
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Editor citation: An alleged instance of social-professional desirability [pg. 46]
Haim Levy, Ying Sophie Huang, Avner Wolf, Yuval Wolf
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Eugene Garfield-Glimpses of his writings [pg. 57]
BK Sen
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