Tuesday, October 7, 2014

GIDR CfPs: National Development Convention on Resources, Institutions and Development... 12-13 Feb

National Development Convention on Resources, Institutions and Development: Contestations and Possibilities in Globalizing India

Organised by Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad, India

February 12-13, 2015

GIDR Call for Papers

Even as the neoliberal economic regime, regardless of the political ideology that it represents, has redefined the contours of India's path to progress, questions on resources – natural, human and institutional – and rights over them have come to occupy an important constituency in the country's development discourse. The last decade has witnessed a remarkable rise in the engagement by the academia, policy makers and the civil society interrogating the conflicts and dilemmas around ownership, use and management of resources. The central objective of the Development Convention is to bring together diverse, regional comparative perspectives on the modes, terms and outcomes of the extant and emerging interdependencies between resources and institutions mediated by the process of globalization. Contributions that explore these broad themes are welcome.


Important Dates

October 20, 2014: Last date for submission of extended abstract (1200-1500 words)

October 30, 2014: Decision on abstracts

January 20, 2015: Last date for submission of full paper

For further details and complete announcement, please visit www.gidr.ac.in or write to the Secretary, Organising Committee at: gidrdc2015@gmail.com


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