Sunday, October 26, 2014

CfP: Workshop on Dharma and the Past: Engaging with Prof Romila Thapar; January 19-20, 2015 at Manipal, Sikkim

Workshop on  Dharma and the Past: Engaging with Prof Romila Thapar
January 19-20, 2015
Venue: Manipal Centre for Philosophy and Humanities, Manipal University, Manipal, Sikkim 

Doctoral and postgraduate scholars are invited to  participate in a workshop on history with esteemed historian Prof Romila Thapar. The intention of the workshop, "Dharma and the Past", is to critically engage with the oeuvre of Prof Thapar, especially the strand that deals with historiographic and conceptual questions of memory, selfhood, caste, ancient and modern Hindu identity. Prof Thapar will respond to comments of selected proposals, as well as to an invited panel of philosophers and political theorists. Please send a proposal of 1000 words, explaining your interest in the workshop, by November 3, 2014. Selected participants will be informed by November 15th. There is a registration fee of Rs 1500 for those selected, which includes free accommodation from January 18th to 21st. Please send CV and proposal to with subject heading 'Dharma and the Past'. 
For more details about MCPH please see:

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