Tuesday, December 17, 2013

SAI Postdoctoral Fellowship in South Asia Studies for the Academic Year 2014-2015

SAI Postdoctoral Fellowship

Harvard University South Asia Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship in South Asia Studies for the Academic Year 2014-2015

Fellowship period: September 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 (10 months)
Stipend: $50,000 plus health insurance and round trip travel funds

Responsibilities of Postdoctoral Fellows: Residence in the Cambridge/Boston area and participation in SAI activities are required during the appointment. Postdoctoral fellows will be expected to present through the SAI Seminar Series. During the term of appointment, postdoctoral fellows will have the option to teach one course, or co-teach an existing course with a current faculty member.

Eligibility: Applicants must have received their PhD degree in 2008 or later in South Asia Studies in any area of the humanities or social sciences. Those who are chosen to receive fellowships must have completed all requirements for the PhD degree by July 1, 2014.

Deadline: March 1, 2014 Applicants will be notified by email upon receipt of their applications.

Application Process:

1. Cover Sheet: You may download the Cover Sheet from our website, and include the following information:

  • Name (First and Last)
  • Primary Email
  • University and Department of PhD
  • Field of Study
  • Thesis Title
  • Date of PhD (or, if pending, give specific timeline)
  • Names and Contact information of 3 recommenders
  • Short Summary (~40 words) of research plan at Harvard
  • Brief statement of teaching interests
  • Do you have a continuing teaching position? If yes, where? (If teaching, have you obtained approval from your department to accept a postdoctoral position for 2013-2014?)
  • Have you previously applied for a Harvard Postdoctoral Fellowship? If yes, when?
  • Are you currently applying for other postdoctoral fellowships at Harvard University?
2. Cover Letter

3. Curriculum vitae: please include citizenship, Social Security number (if you have one), current and permanent addresses, telephone number(s), email address; academic degrees with dates of conferral, discipline and institution

4.  List of publications (this may be included in your CV)

5. Official transcript of grades

6. Writing Sample: one to two dissertation chapters or articles

7. Plan of research (approximately 1,000 words):  What do you plan to do at each stage of your research during the fellowship?  What particular resources do you intend to use at each stage?  What are the advantages of doing your postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard; are there specific individuals you hope to seek out while in residence?

8. Statement of Teaching Interests (approximately 500 words), including syllabi/description of possible courses you might teach

9. Three letters of recommendation (signed and sealed), these must be enclosed with the application, and may not be emailed.

 Decisions will be released by early April, 2014

Mail completed applications to:

South Asia Institute

Postdoctoral Fellowships

Attn: Nora Maginn

1730 Cambridge Street,  Room S427

Cambridge MA 02138 USA


Please review our Frequently Asked Questions. Further queries should be addressed to Nora Maginn, maginn@fas.harvard.edu


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