Tuesday, December 3, 2013

CfPs: IAU 2014 International Conference: Blending Higher Education and Traditional Knowledge for Sustainable Development; at UCP, Peru; 19-21 March

IAU 2014 International Conference: Blending Higher Education and Traditional Knowledge for Sustainable Development
Universidad Científica del Perú (UCP), Iquitos, Peru
19-21 March 2014

Call for Papers
(Deadline for submission: 15 December 2013)
The International Association of Universities (IAU) is pleased to launch a call for papers to be presented during the Association's 2014 international conference which will address the theme Blending Higher Education and Traditional Knowledge for Sustainable Development.
IAU recognizes higher education's critical role in the overall process of achieving sustainable development. Leaders of HEIs and their academic colleagues are in a key position to contribute to an equitable and ecologically sound future by making sustainable development a central academic and organisational priority. This requires the generation and dissemination of knowledge through interdisciplinary research and teaching, policy-making, capacity-building, and technology transfer. It is essential for higher education institutions to understand and accept their responsibility within the broader context of social and economic development of democratic and ecologically minded societies.
Against this backdrop, and noting a sense of urgency, IAU has had Higher Education and Sustainable Development as one of its priority themes for several years (See IAU website and portal). The International Conference on this theme is one of several initiatives of the Association. The call is for papers which will focus on one of the following three specific aspects of the overall theme of the conference:

  • Re-envisaging higher education teaching, research and innovation for a sustainable future – Where does traditional knowledge fit in?
  • Leading by example: sustainable development in university life.
  • Enriching higher education through community engagement.

Authors are invited to focus their attention and research on one of these three topics and in their papers illustrate concretely HEIs' efforts and initiatives in these areas - both successful and those that have failed. Papers should offer a critical assessment of policies or activities which have been successful or those that have failed, analysing the keyes to success (or reasons for failure), what makes certain policies effective, and, if presenting examples of good practice, how these can be generalized or scaled up.
Abstracts (in English or French) should be submitted including the following:

  • The title of the proposed paper
  • The selected sub-theme
  • An abstract (300-500 words)
  • A short biography (100-150 words)


  • Submission of abstracts 15 December 2013
  • Selection Committee's reply 5 January 2014
  • Full paper submission 15 February 2014
  • Send all documents to e.boisfer@iau-aiu.net

The IAU will be pleased to cover the registration fees for the presenters of selected papers (upon reception of the full paper) and high quality papers will be submitted for review to the editor of the IAU journal Higher Education Policy (HEP) for possible publication.

Further Details: http://www.iau-aiu.net/content/iau-2014-international-conference-call-papers

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