Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Call for Participation: 3rd Bangalore Cognition Workshop: Where Minds meet the Brain; IISc, Dec 8-21

3rd Bangalore Cognition Workshop: Where Minds meet the Brain
December 8-21, 2013
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

Candidates in their final year of their Bachelor's degree, pursuing a Masters or PhD. degree in any branch of Science, Engineering or Medicine are welcome to apply. We also welcome postdoctoral fellows, clinicians, and faculty from colleges/universities. Candidates must provide their academic details and submit a statement of interest in the form below. Selected participants will be provided with train fare (3rd AC), boarding and lodging.

Important Dates
October 1 : Application Deadline
October 15: Final participants list

Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF)
Wellcome Trust-DBT India Alliance
Department of Science and Technology
DST-IRHPA & IISc Mathematics Initiative
Indian Institute of Science

Workshop WEBSITE

Apply online:

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