Monday, August 5, 2013

Recent Article "R&D indicators and mapping of solar energy research output in India" by Malti Goel, V. Maurya, Pranav N Desai in Journal of Scientometric Research, 2(1): 52-58

R&D indicators and mapping of solar energy research output in India

by Malti Goel, Vandana Maurya, Pranav N Desai

Journal of Scientometric Research, 2(1): 52-58.

Abstract: Solar electricity is a clean energy solution for Sustainable Energy. Solar photovoltaic program in India began in early 1980s. India announced the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission for accelerating solar electricity growth in 2010. A target of achieving 20,000 MW of solar electricity by 2022 has been set. This paper presents current solar energy scene in India, carries out a study of R&D indicators, and makes an assessment of research output. 'Web of Science' R&D publications from 2000-2009 in India vs. world have been analyzed. India is among the five leading countries in research publications, but in the overall analysis, India is lagging behind. The study provides a baseline in research output just before the start of the national solar mission and establishes the need for increasing R&D investment many folds for meeting the set targets.

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