Saturday, July 6, 2013

ICSSR Workshop on Social Science Approaches to Urban Studies; at International Centre, Goa; 20-23 Dec.

ICSSR Sponsored Workshop on Social Science Approaches to Urban Studies

December 20-23, 2013

at The International Centre, Goa

The Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, proposes to hold a workshop for Ph.D students, post-doctorates and university and college lecturers on the theme of 'Social Science Approaches to Urban Studies'. The workshop will bring together established academics ('Resource Persons') and young scholars ('Fellows'). It aims to contribute to the making of a vibrant and academically sophisticated community of scholars who will train their attention upon different aspects of urbanisation in India. Up to 15 Fellows will be selected to take part in the 4-day workshop during which they will be expected to present their ongoing research on urban issues. Fellows' projects will receive comments and feedback from invited Resource Persons. In addition, Resource Persons will lead discussions on latest urban studies research themes and methodologies. The format of the workshop is intended to encourage young scholars to engage with current ideas on urban research and obtain the benefi t of having their own projects scrutinized and commented upon by established scholars. The following list of topics is intended to be indicative of potential workshop themes:
  • New forms of politics and political associations
  • New forms of leisure, residence and shopping
  • The rural-urban interface
  • Class and caste identities in an urban context
  • Religion and the urban milieu
  • Consumerism
  • Gender, sexuality and space
  • Urban ecologies, urban environmentalism
  • Urban governance
  • The urban poor
  • The politics of resource allocation
  • Land acquisition and urbanisation
  • The 'small' town
  • The real estate industry: Political and cultural economies

Fellowship selection criteria and process:
  1. All applicants must submit a 'Statement of Purpose' consisting of two parts: i) a description of the applicant's interest in the topic of urban studies, as well as how she/he expects to benefit from participation in the workshop (up to 1000 words); and ii) an outline of a research project – proposed or ongoing – that will be presented and discussed during the workshop. The outline should be no more than 2500 words. The quality of the project will form a key criterion for selection and the document must demonstrate serious engagement with relevant urban studies research and literature. Upon selection, applicants will be invited to submit a more substantial version of their project.
  2. All applicants must submit a CV listing academic and other achievements relevant to the workshop.
  3. The age limit for all applicants is 35 years.
  4. The organisers will pay for domestic air travel expenses from any city in India to Goa as well as expenses relating to accommodation at the International Centre, Goa.
  5. Applications should be sent to:
  6. Other inquiries should be sent to Professor Sanjay Srivastava:
  7. The last date of receiving applications is August 26, 2013.
  8. NOTE: Selected candidates will be informed by September 20, 2013.
Further Details

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