Sunday, July 7, 2013

CfPs: Conference on Emerging Markets Finance; IGIDR, 20-21 Dec

Conference on Emerging Markets Finance

20-21 December 2013

Indira Gandhi Institute for Development Research, Bombay, India

Call for Papers

IGIDR is inviting submission of papers to a conference on "Emerging markets finance". This conference will feature state of the art research in emerging markets, with an accent on policy issues. It will also serve as a forum for discussion and debate between market participants, policymakers and academics. Topics of interest include:

  • Unique features of EM asset pricing
  • Liquidity and liquidity risk in EMs
  • Risk measurement and risk management
  • New thinking in market design
  • How EM corporations finance themselves
  • Corporate governance in EMs
  • Political economy of finance
  • Consequences of infirmities of regulation and supervision
  • Law and finance in the EM finance setting

The conference will feature a small number of papers, with a designated discussant, thus allowing adequate time for each paper. There will be a conference website where all the papers and slideshows are collected together. Details of the previous conference can be viewed at


Reimbursement of travel expense upto USD 1000 for academic speakers. Accommodation for three days and two nights for all speakers.

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline : 4th August 2013
  • Decisions intimated by : 2nd September 2013
  • Submission Procedure: Please email a pdf file of the paper to [Ms. Jyoti Manke, Office number : +91-22-28416592, Cell phone : +91-98205-20180]
Further Details:

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