Monday, June 3, 2013

CfPs: Second International Conference on Law, Governance and Development; 2-3 August; Bangalore

Second APU International Conference on Law, Governance and Development
Right to Welfare: Education, Food and Work
August 2nd and 3rd, 2013
Azim Premji University, Bangalore, India

Call for Papers
The Law, Governance and Development Initiative is a research initiative at Azim Premji University committed to rethinking the place of law and governance in securing the goals of development. While we skeptical of thin instrumentalist claims about the economic benefits of law and legal system reform we recognize that a well-organized legal system potentially enhances human well being. In 2012 we organized an international conference exploring and analyzing legal system reform in India. The presentations are available on our website ( and the papers presented are currently being compiled and edited to be released as a book later this year.

Our second annual conference will be held on August 2nd and 3rd, 2013, on the theme "The Right to Welfare: Education, Food and Work." This year, we explore the statutory rights based approach to welfare with a specific focus on the statutory entitlements to education, food and work. The relationship between law and development provides the wider theoretical framework for the enquiry into welfare. The panels for this year's conference are:
  • Law and Development,
  • Statutory Rights-Based Approach to Welfare,
  • Statutory Rights and Obligations under the RTE Act, NREG Act and the Food Security Bill,
  • Role of Courts: Recognition of Rights,
  • Role of Courts: Enforcement of Rights, and
  • Implementation of Rights.
Confirmed speakers for this year's conference are Professor Akhil Gupta (UCLA), Professor Arun K Thiruvengadam (NUS, Singapore), Professor Niraja Jayal (JNU), Professor Katharina Pistor (University of Columbia), Prof Sanjay Ruparelia (New School) and Professor Siri Gloppen (University of Bergen).

We invite academics, scholars, graduate and post-graduate students, and lawyers to submit 200-300 word abstracts. Last date for submission of abstracts is June 25, 2013. The last date to submit the final paper is July 25, 2013. The abstracts / papers may be emailed to

Authors of selected papers and the ten best student papers will be informed by the end of June 2013. These authors will be invited to attend the conference and organizers will cover costs of domestic economy travel and accommodation.

For more details including the concept notes and themes for the seminars visit:

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