Saturday, February 9, 2013

CfPs: 11th GLOBELICS International Conference "Entrepreneurship, innovation policy and development...", 11-13 September; Ankara, Turkey

The 11th GLOBELICS International Conference

Entrepreneurship, innovation policy and development in an era of increased globalisation

11-13 September 2013

 Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Global Network for Economics of Learning, Innovation, and Competence Building Systems (GLOBELICS) is an international network of scholars who apply the concept of "learning, innovation, and competence building system" (LICS) as their framework and are dedicated to the strengthening of LICS in developing countries, emerging economies and societies in transition. The research aims at locating unique systemic features as well as generic good practices to enlighten policy making relating to innovation, competence building, international competitiveness, regional development, labour market and human capital development. In an increasingly global and knowledge‐based competition, both management strategies and policy need to be based upon an understanding of how globalization changes these framework conditions.

GLOBELICS has regional chapters in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Apart from providing training for PhD scholars through the Academy at Lisbon and Tampere GLOBELICS organizes annual conferences. Until now ten GLOBELICS conferences have been organized. The first conference was held in 2003, at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, it was followed by the second conference at Beijing, China (2004), the third conference at Tshwane (Pretoria), South Africa (2005), the fourth in Trivandrum, India (2006), the fifth in Saratov, Russia (2007), the sixth in Mexico City, Mexico (2008), the seventh in Dakar, Senegal (2009), the eighth in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2010), the ninth in Buenos Aires, Argentina (2011) and the tenth in China (2012). Leading scholars from both developed and developing countries in the field of innovation, technological change and development have attended these meetings. We welcome our distinguished guests to Middle East Technical University, Ankara in 2013.

The 11th GLOBELICS Conference will be organized in a collaboration between Science and Technology Policy Research Center (METU-TEKPOL), Center for Competition Research (REKMER), Yıldırım Beyazıt University and Ankara development Agency and held at Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. As the previous ones, this organization intends to bring scholars from different disciplines together to enhance the quality of innovation studies in relation to development and growth in the context of globalization and accelerating pace of change. The conference will combine presentation of research papers in parallel tracks with panel discussions and plenary lectures. This year's Freeman Lecture will be given by the world leading scholar on innovation, Richard R. Nelson, Columbia University

Organised by

  • Global Network for the Economics of Learning, Innovation, and Competence Building Systems (Globelics)
  • Science and Technology Policies Research Center (METU-TEKPOL), Middle East Technical University, Ankara
  • REKMER, Yıldırım Beyazıt University, ANKARA

Important dates

  • Paper submission for PhD paper competition 1 April 2013
  • Paper submission deadline 6 May 2013
  • Acceptance notification 1 July 2013
  • Registration deadline 19 August 2013
  • GLOBELICS Conference 11-13 September 2013

Paper submissions
We invite original unpublished submission of full papers related with the themes of the conference. We especially encourage the participation of young researchers. All submissions should be made via the online submission form available at the conference website The selection of the papers will be based on a peer review process by the conference scientific committee.

Contact details

Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi
Mühendislik Merkez Binası, Kat: 3, No: 320
06800 Çankaya, Ankara

Further Details:

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