Thursday, August 18, 2011

Workshop on "Data Extraction and Visualization Techniques" at NISCAIR, New Delhi on Sept 10-11

Data Extraction and Visualization Techniques: A Two Day Workshop

Dates: September 10-11, 2011

Venue: NISCAIR Conference Hall, Satsang Vihar, New Delhi

Organized by: Society for Information Science (SIS), New Delhi

A key aspect of a successful study/report is how data is presented with clarity and is able to convey the meaning in a succinct way. Graphical and/or tabular form is the most preferred way of representation. Increasingly, with advanced representation techniques, newer approaches are visible in representation. These representations allow for more informed assessment of the underlying data and are able to provide insights that is not possible to be deduced from standard tabular/graphical representation.

The representation of data is playing a key role in Scientometrics/Informetrics as huge data in matrix form showing various linkage relationships among others need to be properly extracted and represented. This type of representation have multi-fold usage; for articulation of their research, and for policy makers for decision making process. Decision makes are increasingly looking towards these representations as it becomes less time consuming for them to infer from the data and also makes the decision making more accurate and verifiable.

Many information scientists have participated at International Conferences outside the country. All of them have felt that Indian participants are handicapped because of the inefficiency to work with "Visualization Techniques". The Indian participants are having enough analytical skills but may not represent their ideas as successfully as participants from other countries. With this background, Society for Information Science (SIS), a dynamic organization has decided to tackle this issue. A group of reputed faculty have been identified by SIS to train interested professionals.

SIS in collaboration with NISCAIR proposes to organize a two day workshop on "Data Extraction and Visualization Techniques" at NISCAIR, Satsang Vihar New Delhi from 10-11 September 2011.

The present workshop is intended to address two important issues: (a) show the potentiality of various publication and patent databases, and (b) demonstrate advanced visualization techniques and provide hands on training that can help represent the extracted data from these databases. The participants will also learn the basics of data extraction and visulisation. The learning kit will help them to progress further.

Who Can Attend this Workshop?
Any professional / scientist / researcher who handle large amount of data can be participants to this workshop.
Number of Participants: We propose to have only 10-12 participants to this workshop.
All participants will be requested to carry with them their laptops as this will help them to practice and use their data in future on the software they are now familiar to operate.
Participants coming from outside shall have to make their own arrangements for stay. If informed in advance the organizers shall help them in finding suitable accommodation in CSIR guest house for which they have to pay.

1st Day Inauguration
Introductory Lectures on data sources and their applications and Basic Indicators
Demonstration of different databases and basic its search features (covering publication and patent data).
* Introduction to Visualization Software's
* Data transformation
* Map/Visualization building
2nd Day Practical presentation and practice of data sources and its access from science databases and patent databases: Groups shall be formed and provided with data. Each Group shall practice Science Mapping techniques assisted by faculty. At the final concluding session of the workshop each group shall present their work. During this session participants may clarify their doubts.

1. Dr Gangan Prathap Director, NISCAIR, (Keynote Speaker)
2. Dr. Naresh Kumar President, SIS. (Chair)
3. Dr. Ramesh Kundra , Vice President, SIS, (SIS Workshop Convener)
4. Dr. Sujit Bhattacharya, NISTADS (Faculty)
5. Dr. Divya Srivastava, ICMR (Faculty)
6. Shri. N.K.Wadhwa, NPL(Faculty)
7. Dr. G. Mahesh, NISCAIR (Member)
8. Ms. Shilpa, NISTADS Faculty

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