Monday, July 11, 2011

Training Course on Research Methodology in Social Sciences; CSD, New Delhi; September 12-23

Training Course on Research Methodology in Social Sciences

September 12-23, 2011

Organized by : Council for Social Development, New Delhi


Aims and Scope

A common challenge faced by almost all social science researchers is that of choosing an appropriate methodology for their research and evaluation work i.e. Selection and formulation of the problems; review of relevant literature; conceptual framework; selection of research design; formulation of research questions/ hypothesis and testing of hypothesis; selection of sampling methods and its techniques; preparing of interview schedules, questionnaire and other relevant tools for data collection; collecting data from the field and field management; choosing suitable techniques of data analysis; using computer and information technology for data collection  analysis & report writing;  interpreting the data and reporting on the findings of the research study.

This training course has been designed keeping these problems in view. It aims at enhancing the knowledge of, and skills in, some of the widely applied survey research methods, basic statistical techniques and scientific report writing. The course addresses the needs of academic researchers and of the practitioners of development in the field.


Course Objectives

The objectives of the course are to:

  • Explain the difference between social and natural science; pure and applied science and pure, applied & action research;
  • Formulate and test a research questions/hypotheses;
  • Describe different types of sampling techniques;
  • Discuss the techniques of data collection, processing and analysis through the following methods:
  • Participant Observation, Focused Group Discussion (FDG), Case Study, Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA);
  • Questionnaire & interview techniques and Statistical methods;
  • Computer Applications – Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and Geographical Information System (GIS);
  • Indicate the implications of social science researches in formulation, planning and implementation of various socio-economic development programmes and schemes; and
  • Discuss the major sections/ chapters to be included in scientific report or thesis writing.


Target Participants

Research students/ academicians/ professionals from any social science background coming from universities, research institutions, government departments and Non-Governmental Organizations.


Interactive class-room sessions, lectures and demonstrations by experts from the field, exercises, assignments, case studies, preparation & testing of questionnaire, interview schedule/guide, field visits, conducting pilot studies, report writing in small groups and presentation of research findings.


Expected Outcome

At the end of the programme, the participants will have enhanced capacity to carry out social science research projects on a scientific basis, to articulate their findings and conclusions in an effective manner, and to make suggestions and recommendations for policy changes in the desired direction.


Duration: Two weeks

Course Contribution

Participant's contribution for attending the training course will be Rs. 2500 (Rupees two thousand and five hundred only)

Important Dates:

Duly completed details of candidates should reach by: July 31, 2011

Selected candidates will be intimated by : August 8, 2011

Contribution of selected candidates should reach by : September 1, 2011


(Demand Draft should be made in the name of Council for Social Development, New Delhi)


Participant should send their details by Post/ Courier/ Hand or E-mail (preferably) to Ms. Purtika Kalra, Research Assistant at (;

Announcement and proforma for participant details can be downloaded from


Note: Though CSD does not provide any accommodation facilities for outstation participants, we can try to arrange the same at moderate rates if request is received by the participant at least one month in advance.


Course Director

Dr.(Ms) M.K.Jabbi

Senior Fellow


Further Details

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