Tuesday, July 26, 2011

CfP:: 3rd International Conference on Mobile Communication for Development (M4D2012), 28-29 Feb; Ghaziabad

3rd International Conference on Mobile Communication for Development (M4D2012)

28-29 February 2012

Ghaziabad, India

Institute of Management Studies (Ghaziabad, India) in cooperation with HumanIT (Karlstad University, Sweden) invite you to the 3rd International Conference on M4D - Mobile Communication for Development, following the inaugural conference in Karlstad, Sweden in 2008 and second conference in Kampala, Uganda. M4D2012 aims to provide a forum for researchers, practitioners and all those with interests in mobile communication for development. M4D2012 will combine two days of workshops, discussions, demos, plenary, paper and panel sessions. The conference activities will take place at a reputed hotel in the National Capital Region of Delhi and the campus of Institute of Management Studies, Ghaziabad.
Call for Papers
M4D2012 strives to create an inclusive event where all types of actors and formats are included. If you wish to present a paper, demo or poster you submit either to the practitioner or the research track. The research track has a traditional academic conference design while in the practitioner's track industry, NGOs, and public bodies can discuss experiences, ideas and disseminate knowledge. However, this conference is not only for paper presenters but also for all who have an interest in areas of mobility, communication, social change and their intersections. It is our explicit aim to make room for extensive discussions and interaction between all participants throughout the conference. We therefore also invite the ideas of different kinds workshops, panels, demos and discussion formats. All topics that relate to mobile communication and development are welcome.
The suggested Topics (but not limited to) include:
  • Social implications of mobile communications
  • Mobile health
  • Mobile communication and political participation/ change
  • Agriculture, rural development and mobile communication
  • Economic development and mobile communication such as mobile banking and mobile money
  • Mobile learning
  • Mobile communication and community awareness / development
  • Mobile communication and disaster management
  • Mobile communication and corruption fighting
  • Mobile communication and election / government monitoring
  • Mobile communication and community awareness / development
  • Mobile communication and disaster management
  • Mobile communication and climate control
  • Challenges to the proliferation of mobile technology
  • Mobile communication and women empowerment
  • Mobile communication and surveillance
  • Innovative applications for mobile communication
Important Dates
Paper/poster/demo submission     July 31,2011
Acceptance/review note         Sept 30, 2011
Travel grant application    Oct 15, 2011
Final paper submission        Nov 15, 2011  

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