Sunday, June 19, 2011

UNDP/MNRE invites Case Studies on Access to Clean Energy

Request for Submission of Case Studies on Access to Clean Energy
Under the UNDP/MNRE Supported Project on Access to Clean Energy (ACE project),  it is proposed to compile the second Compendium of Successful Case studies from all over the country in order to showcase concrete initiatives undertaken by the public and private sectors to promote widespread adoption of cost effective renewable energy technologies especially in rural areas. The models considered for inclusion in compendium should be cost effective, replicable, and financially viable and entrepreneurship based business and delivery models that has led to economic development and strengthening of livelihoods. You are requested to share details of any such model successfully piloted/ demonstrated by your organisation in the indicative format given here <> with relevant photographs, so that the same could be reviewed for inclusion in the compendium proposed to be developed and widely circulated. The details may please be sent by email to, preferably by 30 June 2011.

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