Sunday, June 19, 2011

IIPA Annual Decision Making/Teaching Case Study Competition 2011

IIPA Annual Decision Making/Teaching Case Study Competition 2011

The objective of IIPAs Case Study Programme is to build a body of knowledge in governance through case studies with a view to promote a deeper and wider understanding of the functioning of Indian Administration in its specific environmental and institutional framework and also to broaden our knowledge and understanding of international best practices. In order to develop relevant case studies for use in the learning process, IIPA has renamed its annual case study competition as the Annual Decision Making/Teaching Case Study Competition.

A case study submitted for this competition should aim to facilitate the development of conceptual, behavioural and analytical skills, highlight areas for reform and promote sensitivity towards important issues, problems and challenges of public administration and governance.

The Case study may cover one or more of the following facets of public administration and governance:
i. Public policy issues and processes: conceptualization; planning; implementation; monitoring; evaluation and review of plans; programmes; schemes and projects with special reference to a specific State;
ii. Area based development policies, programmes, projects and schemes such as MNREGA, Consumer Awareness, Gender Sensitization, Social Empowerment and Social Inclusion, e-Governance, Human Rights, Elections and Electoral reforms; and
iii. Service sectors including physical, social and economic infrastructure development, social services, voluntary organizations, cooperatives, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and Public Private Partnership (PPP).

The case study must be in two parts.
Part I is to comprise 5-10 A4 size pages typed in double space using size 12 of Times New Roman font and keeping one and half inches margin on each side of the page.It should consist of a description of an official organizational context concluding with an important decision to be made. The following information could be provided: the decision to be made what, why and who has to make it; a brief history of the organization, its vision/mission/values, goals/objectives; the present scenario; key strengths and weaknesses of the organization; challenges, threats and opportunities; influential personalities/groups relevant to the focal decision their feelings/views (given in quotations) as obtained through interviews or accurately paraphrased; socio-political, economic, technological and cultural pressures; group and personality factors values, attitudes,needs and expectations; skills; organizational reward systems; behaviour modeling and example setting by the organisations leadership and other factors relevant to the focal decision; visualized options/alternatives that seem to be available and their immediate, short, medium and long term consequences- the pros and cons thereof.Finally, instead of merely calling this part of the case study as Part I, it should be given a title based upon either one of the following:-
(i) focal organization / department / division / unit/section, programme / project / scheme;
(ii) focal decision to be made.
Part II is to comprise 1 to 3 A4 size page(s) typed in double space using size 12 of Times New Roman font and keeping one and a half inches margin on each side of the page.It should consist of the case writer(s) perceptions of what actually happened the decision that was actually made, why, with what expectations, the actual consequences that occurred and any views that the case writer wished to share vis-a-vis the case and the important learning problems/concepts/insights and or skills that the case may be utilized for imparting in the teaching/training process.Finally, instead of calling this part of the case study as part II, it should be entitled: Perceptions of the Case Writer (s).
An executive summary of the case study is to comprise 1 to 2 A 4 size page(s) and typed in the same way as Parts I and II mentioned earlier.Three copies each of the case study (i.e., Parts I and II) and the executive summary are to be submitted.
Each case study should be accompanied by the following information: title of the case study; name of the case writer (s); address and telephone(s) of the Case Writer(s) and fax/email where available.The case writer(s) should also state whether the case study has been approved for publication by the concerned organization or whether approval is yet to be taken; and, finally, the signature(s) of the case writer(s).

The competition has a first prize award of Rs.10,000, a second prize award of Rs. 6,000 and a third prize award of Rs. 4,000/.Excluding the award winning case studies, any other case studies that are considered suitable for publication shall be given an honorarium of Rs. 2,000/ each.
Any individual or group of individuals may submit a case study to the Institute for the competition.In case of joint authorship, the award will be equally distributed. However, each individual may submit only one entry for the competition, either individually or as part of a group.
A case study submitted for the competition must fall within the broad areas specified and be in the format prescribed above.The case study should not have been published elsewhere as the copyright will vest with the Institute and the writer, if the case study is selected for award/publication.
The last date for the receipt of the case study is 31 August 2011. The cover should be superscribed with Annual Decision Making/Teaching Case Study Competition 2011 and be addressed to the Registrar, Indian Institute of Public Administration, Indraprastha Estate, Ring Road, New Delhi 110002.

Last Date: 31st August 2011

Further Details:

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