Thursday, April 7, 2011

CfP:: esss – European Summer School for Scientometrics 2011

esss – European Summer School for Scientometrics

12-16 September 2011

Vienna, Austria

History: Scientometric procedures are increasingly used to analyse developments and trends in science and technology. Decisions to be taken often have severe implications. Consequently data handling, indicator construction and interpretation require competent expert knowledge, which is currently only available to a limited extent for all stakeholders in Central Europe not the least due to lacking training opportunities. Responding to the lack of a pertinent scientometrics education (especially in German speaking countries) and to the increasing demand (particularly of research quality managers), the University of Vienna (A), the Humboldt University of Berlin (D), the Institute for Research Information and Quality Assurance – iFQ - (D) and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (B) joined cooperatively to found the European Summer School for Scientometrics (esss) in 2010.

Mission: esss offers training covering major aspects of quantitative analysis of science and technology and is especially designed for the needs of science policy makers, research quality managers, scientists and information specialists & librarians. Attendees can expect a sound overview of state-of-the-art scientometric methods and the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the most commonly used data bases, to learn how to construct relevant indicators and how to interpret the data. Theoretically imparted knowledge will be consolidated in hands-on trainings whenever suitable in order to guarantee a sustainable learning experience. Participants will challenge themselves academically, gain crucial experience, advance their careers and experience knowledge sharing and exchange of ideas with esss staff, lecturers and other participants.

Programme Overview

September 11th, 2011 -- Pre-Programme: "Bibliometrics in a Nutshell": Crash Course for Newbies. This course gives a basic overview of how to work with bibliometric databases and is addressed to participants who are short on experience in the field.


September 12th, 2011

Conference day 1: Introduction to Scientometrics: Theoretical and Practical Aspects

September 13th, 2011

Conference day 2: Procedures and Indicators


September 14th Seminars day 1

- Journal Impact Measures

- h-index and Related Measures

September 15th Seminars day 2

- Cooperation, Co-authorship, Social Networks

- Mapping Science

September 16th Seminars day 3

Workshop: Research Evaluation in Practice


esss – European Summer School for Scientometrics 2011 starts with two conference days, which can be booked apart from the whole week event. The esss includes the conference and three days of seminars and hands-on trainings. Two conference-like introductory days addressing a broader audience are followed by three days with seminars, individual hands-on sessions and teamwork in small groups. Availability of seats for the whole esss week is limited to 50 participants (2 groups, each with 25 people). Availability of seats for this conference is limited to 100 participants. ESSS offers a reduced fee for students / Ph.D. students. Students need to mail us a valid student ID or a similar document for registration! Participants of the esss can register free of charge for the Pre-Programme: "Bibliometrics in a Nutshell, Crash Course for Newbies", on Sunday, September 11th, 2011 (2pm-4pm).

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