Sunday, December 19, 2010

Compendium on Technology Exports: An Illustrative Compilation of Exported & Exportable Technologies from India

Compendium on Technology Exports: An Illustrative Compilation of Exported & Exportable Technologies from India

Published By
Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) and Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), New Delhi

Innovation and adoption of new technology are critical areas for sustaining high economic growth. With the advent of globalization, the world is increasingly becoming interdependent, not just in the supply of raw materials and machinery, but more so in terms of technology as well as knowledge sharing and transfer, including technology exports. In fact, science, technology and innovation are going to determine the economic and political power of the nations.
Exports have been key to economic growth in most countries. With India's technology prowess and the focus shifting to newer markets in the foreign trade policy recently announced by the Government of India, there is an excellent opportunity for our country to have a competitive advantage in technology led exports. While India has a large domestic market, it would be prudent to explore newer markets worldwide. It is wise to remember Peter Drucker's words that there is no distance in today's world economy and that everything is 'local'. We need to constantly innovate and improve technology so that India is on the global map.
Over the years, India has achieved a degree of competitiveness in knowledge and technology-intensive products. Our country has been making concerted efforts for building technology strengths and efficiency in sectors like agriculture, manufacturing, software and services, thereby improving its competitive strength and encouraging the attainment of globally accepted standards of quality. Many developing countries need technologies as well as plant & machinery relevant to their development levels. India could be one of the potential suppliers to such countries. However, these countries usually lack access to information on sourcing their requirements and thus there exists a need to disseminate the same.
The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India has taken the initiative of documenting the technologies exported from India. Partnering with Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), a 'Compendium on Technology Exports: An Illustrative Compilation of Exported & Exportable Technologies from India' is being brought out since 1996 with the main objective of disseminating detailed information on export of Indian technologies, technology-intensive exports, covering projects, equipments, products and services.
The publication serves as a ready source of reference to overseas customers who are looking for partnerships with India. It is also helpful to Indian exporters in taking their business beyond national boundaries. This Compendium on Technology Exports is widely disseminated to the organizations dealing with technology intensive trade, including policy-makers, export promotion bodies, R&D institutions, consultants, trade & industry and foreign missions. This project is sponsored and supported by the DSIR.
The previous editions of the Compendium were well received and earned considerable appreciation from various quarters. Encouraged by its overwhelming response, the Institute has brought out the present volume of the Compendium on Technology Exports (VOL .IX) which is the 9th edition. This volume includes data for the years 2002-03 to 2007-08. We are grateful to all those organizations who shared the export data and hope that they would continue to associate and cooperate with us in future also.
The present issue of the Compendium on Technology Exports has a larger coverage and deeper analysis of data compared to earlier volumes. The Compendium includes primary data collected by IIFT through well designed field studies for about 418 organizations and companies. The data has been analyzed based on sectors and technology intensity year-wise. The data on R&D expenditure, number of S&T personnel, foreign collaboration, etc., has also been collected and analyzed.

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