Tuesday, November 16, 2010

E-Course on Editing for Films & Television, offered by CEC, New Delhi

E-Course on Editing for Films & Television
Offered by Consortium for Educational Communication, New Delhi
Dates: 3rd January to 18th February 2011
The new information communication technology (ICT) has expanded its reach through a number of sectors. The vision, therefore, is to electronically reach out to a large number of participants, teachers and general public with quality educational material, so as to address the issues of accessing higher education with equity and quality. This in turn, we believe will contribute to overall vision of developing India as a knowledge super power by 2020.
To commemorate the completion of 25 years of Countrywide Classroom (CWCR) television programmes for higher education, Consortium for Educational Communication (CEC) India, is launching a Worldwide e-Course on "Editing for Films and Television". The registration for the course starts on 15th November 2010. The course will commence on 3rd January, 2011 and will be completed by 18th February, 2011. About 72 hour of classroom teaching have been condensed into about 13 hours of video programmes in 25 episodes of half an hour duration each. There will be seven live interactive sessions with the subject expert to clarify queries of the participants.
Basically designed for film and video editors, this course aspired to give an insight into the art and craft of editing. It will familiarize the participants with a range of activities required for telling a story through visuals and sound. Along the way it touches upon several issues connected with editing, right from its basic concepts to the technical aspects of electronic editing on linear and non-linear platform. Any Queries? write to us at ecourse.cec@gmail.com.
  • Course Registration: 15th November 2010 to 15th December 2010

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