Wednesday, October 13, 2010

International Consultation on DNA Barcoding

International Consultation on DNA Barcoding

6–7 November 2010

Venue: National Agricultural Science Complex, Pusa, New Delhi, India

The consultation aims to discuss the global barcoding activities including all groups of plants and animals. The focus will be on networking of Indian barcoding community, develop new project proposals, exploring funding opportunities and develop linkages with national and international groups leading to preparing a blue print of comprehensive plan at regional and national level. We expect participation of over 200 delegates including experts from different sectors, policy makers, users of barcoding technology and representatives from funding agencies, Senior Officials from CBOL, USA Canadian Centre for DNA Barcoding and University of Guelph.

Interested persons may kindly contact Dr W. S. Lakra, Convenor and Director, Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Off Yari Road, Panch Marg, Versova, Mumbai 400 061; Fax: 022-2636 1573; e-mail: lakraws[at] or director[at]

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