Friday, August 27, 2010

CfP:: Science Communication Without Frontiers -- 11th International Conference on Public Communication of Science & Technology (PCST-2010)

Science Communication Without Frontiers - The 11th International Conference on Public Communication of Science & Technology (PCST-2010)

Dates: 6-10 December 2010

Venue: Pusa Complex, New Delhi, India

Organized by
International Network on Public Communication of Science & Technology (PCST-Network)
National Council for Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC/ DST)
and others

Public Communication of Science & Technology (PCST) is important for the economic and social wellbeing of society and for the exercise of participatory democracy. It implies the ability to respond to technical issues and problems that pervade our daily lives. It does not mean detailed knowledge of scientific principles, phenomena or technologies, but rather an appreciation of the way science works and how the community can interact with science to help shape its work. New technologies and new media can trigger and sustain public interest in S&T, allowing a dialogue to developing and preparing the people for change.
The 11th PCST Conference will deliberate on both practical and theoretical aspects of science communication, in a globalised world with major inequalities and development challenges. Science communication practitioners and analysts from all continents will compare experiences and perspectives on science-based issues of today and tomorrow.
India, one of the most emerging economies, is uniquely positioned to host a discussion on the role of science in modern society. Poised between modern and developing nations, India represents the future: a world where everything is under challenge including the old frontiers.

The aim of 11th PCST-2010 is to consider new ways of thinking about science communication, and new ways of putting the best ideas into practice, models, tools, policy matters and social factors involved in public communication of science and technology. In the footsteps of previous conferences in Malmo/Copenhagen (2008), Seoul (2006), Barcelona (2004), Cape Town (2002) and before, the Conference will provide an opportunity for the presentation and open discussion of all kinds of ideas, experiences and works related to science communication, popularisation and literacy.

Focal Theme and Sub Themes: The focal theme of the conference is 'Science Communication Without Frontiers'. Five Scientific Sessions with the following Sub Themes will be organized:
  1. A Critical Review of Science Communication in the World
  2. Science Communication Studies & Research
  3. Role of Science Centres & Science Museums
  4. Science Communication through Mass Media
  5. Globalizing & Localizing Science Communication
Call for Proposals
The PCST Network, founded in 1989, aims at promoting public communication of science and technology, encouraging discussion on PCST related issues, and linking practices and theories in varied cultures and countries. The proposals for the 11th PCST 2010 Conference are welcome from individuals, or from groups who wish to propose a joint session. They may cover any of the following aspects of science communication:
  • Public engagement strategies; Media representations; New media challenges and opportunities; Theories and models of science communication; Evaluation of public engagement initiatives; Public literacy and understanding; and Informal learning.
Proposals may be put forward for several forms of presentation, such as a paper that outlines research results, offers substantive theoretical reflection or proposes or evaluates practical initiatives. It may also be a proposal for a seminar on research or theory with details of participants and the topics; a workshop that explores and demonstrates practical techniques; an argument that could be included in a round-table debate; a poster that graphically summarises work-in-progress. Members of the PCST Scientific Committee will review the submitted proposals. Special consideration will be given to proposals that link theory and practice, incorporate different disciplines, explore cross-cultural dimensions of science communication and encourage discussions. The proposal template can be downloaded from the website.

Travel Fellowship
There is some provision of travel fellowships for Indian delegates. International delegates will make their own travel arrangements, except specially invited speakers. The organizers may consider providing local hospitality, i.e. stay, meals, local transport, etc., for some selected foreign delegates. Information on travel fellowships for the delegates from developing countries will be available latter on the website in case there is a possibility.

Time Line
  • Last date for Submission of Proposals (500 words) - August 31, 2010
  • Last Date for Application for Travel Fellowship - August 31, 2010
  • Intimation of acceptance of Abstracts - September 30, 2010
  • Last Date for Submission of Full Paper - October 31, 2010

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