Monday, August 2, 2010

CfP:: National Bioethics Conference 2010: Governance of Healthcare – Ethics, Equity and Justice

National Bioethics Conference 2010: Governance of Healthcare – Ethics, Equity and Justice

17-20 November 2010

Venue: All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

Organized by Indian Journal of Medical Ethics (IJME)

In recent decades, the Indian health sector has seen revolutionary changes. With the wave of globalisation that has hit the country, world class technologies, super-specialities and big corporate and private sector hospitals have emerged. However, these are distanced from the country’s poor and needy. Globalisation has also paved the way for international collaborations in the field of research, service delivery and health education. Although significant achievements have been made, there are gaping holes and discrepancies in the public healthcare setup which caters to a significant proportion of the population. Keeping these facts in mind, the third NBC, on the theme Governance of healthcare: ethics, equity and justice, is being held at the AIIMS, New Delhi, the premier medical institute in the country.

NBC 3 aims to bring together diverse perspectives on governance in healthcare, towards building an equitable and just health system. It will provide a platform for achieving a productive dialogue between practitioners, administrators, policy-makers and activists towards this end.

Specific objectives:

  • To bring together key institutions within the healthcare sector to engage with the issue of governance with a view to ensuring equity and justice for all.
  • To enable emerging research in bioethics in India to be presented in a public forum and encouraging this research to be published in national and international journals so that it reaches a wider audience.
  • To create a forum for organising skill-building and resource sharing in bioethics among different organisations and to enable dialogue between key stakeholders from India and abroad on a range of issues and from a range of perspectives with a view to enlighten healthcare practice, policy making and management from a bioethics perspective.
Call for Papers and proposals for workshops
The scientific committee of the Third National Bioethics Conference seeks abstracts of papers, and proposals for holding workshops, on topics relevant to bioethics. These must be in line with the conference theme: "Governance of healthcare – ethics, equity and justice."
Some issues which will be discussed in the conference:
  • Universal healthcare
  • Clinical research
  • Stem cell research
  • Indian systems of medicine
  • Community participation
  • Organ transplantation
  • Medical education
  • Medical tourism
  • Healthcare reforms
  • Regulation of healthcare
  • Ethics committees
  • Publication ethics
  • Accreditation of health institutions
  • Public-private partnerships
  • Medical technologies (assisted reproduction, imaging technologies, etc)
Abstract and proposal deadline: August 15, 2010

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