Wednesday, July 21, 2010

EU-India Cluster event: Promoting Research, Innovation and Industrial Cooperation between European and Indian Clusters

EU-India Cluster Event
Promoting Research, Innovation and Industrial Cooperation between European and Indian Clusters

1 December 2010

Venue: Management Development Institute, Gurgaon, India

Organizers: Delegation of the European Union to India, European Commission, EBTC (European Business Technology Centre), and the Institute for Competitiveness.

Globalisation of research and innovation and global competition are putting a new emphasis on the role of clusters and further their development. Clusters increasingly see the need to link with other clusters on the international level building on complementarities in order to improve their global reach and competitiveness.
In Europe, regional clusters seen as key drivers for competitiveness, innovation and regional development are being promoted through both EU Member States national-level measures and EU-level support instruments, notably the 7th EU Research Framework Programme, the Cohesion Policy Funds and the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme.
In India, the promotion of clusters formation and global standards of competitiveness have gained significance and momentum with organization like the CII (Confederation of Indian Industry), the MSME (micro, small and medium enterprises) Ministry, the Ministry of S&T and other research & innovation organisations taking initiatives in this direction.
The objective of the EU-India Cluster event is to stimulate and facilitate global outreach of European and Indian clusters through:
  1. Increasing mutual awareness on cluster policies, development methods and management practices;
  2. Fostering cooperation between research, innovation and industrial clusters in Europe and in India;
  3. Facilitating in Europe and in India access to and contact with the appropriate stakeholders and understanding of their respective research, innovation and industrial environments.
The programme of the EU-India cluster event will include in particular:
  • Seminar including presentations of cluster policies, methods and tools in Europe and in India, and existing cooperations between European and Indian clusters;
  • Presentations of Indian and European clusters, including European networks of clusters, ETPs (European Technology Platforms) and KICs (European Knowledge Innovation Communities), and one-to-one meetings between cluster stakeholders with a forum of personalised discussion, and exhibition space for clusters;
  • Reception and informal networking.

Targeted participants
  • Managers of Indian and European clusters as well research, industrial, financial stakeholders of European and Indian clusters; European and Indian officials from ministries, embassies and research and innovation agencies.
  • The event is open to all technology fields and industrial sectors, with particular focus on water-related challenges in relation to health, environment and agriculture.
  • On the European side, the targeted participants also include European networks of clusters, as well as the European Technology Platforms and the European Knowledge Innovation Communities.


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