Sunday, June 6, 2010

Beyond Web 2.0: Multimedia Journalism and Social Media

Beyond Web 2.0: Multimedia Journalism and Social Media

Dates: 14-25 June 2010

Venue: IGNOU Campus, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068

Organized by: The School of Journalism and New Media Studies, IGNOU in collaboration with DW-AKADEMIE Academy,

DW-Trainers: Guy Degen and Marcus Bösch

Summary of course concept
The two week course (10 training days) aims to provide participants with the necessary skills to produce multimedia content and use social media platforms for research, news gathering, networking and distribution.
The course is designed for online journalists seeking to broaden their multimedia and social media skills, and journalists working in print or broadcast media who are making a transition to online multimedia journalism, yet already have a solid working knowledge of online platforms such as blogs and regularly use social media.
The course seeks to not only harness current Web 2.0 tools, but also show participants how they can adapt in an era of fast-paced digital development in journalism and move beyond Web 2.0.
The course strongly focuses on practical training in parallel with building upon the prior online journalism and digital knowledge of participants.
Throughout the course participants will learn:
  • how to produce and present a multimedia project for the web;
  • how to effectively use social media during their whole working processes;
  • new ways of using tools such as digital cameras and mobile phones for producing multimedia journalism; and,
  • about new online and social media tools that can be practically applied to journalism.
The course will be split into two sections. The first week will concentrate on introducing participants to new skills and digital tools as well as providing the opportunity for practice and skills development. The second week will focus on the gathering of digital audio and visual materials and production of a group multimedia journalism project.

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