Saturday, April 10, 2010

CfP:: Pharmaceuticals in Developing and Emerging Economies: Production, Innovation, and Access to Medicines in the Wake of TRIPS

International Conference on Pharmaceuticals in Developing and Emerging Economies: Production, Innovation, and Access to Medicines in the Wake of TRIPS

17-19 September 2010

Venue: University of Hyderabad, India

Organized by University of Hyderabad, India and Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia

The conference will examine the state of drug production and innovation in the global South in the wake of the implementation of TRIPS-mandated intellectual property rights. The interface between industrial capabilities, and access to essential medicines, is a second major theme. The aim is to provide a landmark assessment of these critical areas in global health and development. This event provides a unique opportunity for researchers, policy makers, public health advocates, and industry representatives to deliberate on the economics and politics of the pharmaceutical industry and access to medicines, across the developing and emerging economies.


The Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement imposes global minimum standards for intellectual property protection to be phased in across all members of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The stated purpose is to improve the conditions for innovation and technology transfer – for the benefit not only of incumbent industry leaders but also developing and emerging economies. It is not evident however that the overall gap in the global pharmaceutical industry between developed and developing countries has diminished. The global drug market and global health research remain dominated by North America, Europe and Japan. These regions account for around 75% of global sales and more than 90% of global health-related research. From this perspective, TRIPS would seem to impose a 'one size fits all' model on the developing countries, notwithstanding different health needs or stage of economic development. Yet firms and research organisations in some emerging economies have established a significant presence in global innovation and production networks. India is the outstanding case and countries such as China, Brazil, Cuba, Thailand and South Africa also have notable capabilities. But there is scarce systematic knowledge of the present state and future prospects of pharmaceutical production and innovation across the global South – a deficiency addressed by this conference. Among the papers presented will be detailed studies of the impact of TRIPS on the pharmaceutical industry and public health in particular countries in all major regions of the developing world.

Conference streams

  • 1) The pharmaceutical industry in the global South: country studies
  • 2) TRIPS and national flexibilities: cases and disputes
  • 3) Access to appropriate and affordable medicines
  • 4) Business strategies in the pharmaceutical industry: perspectives from the South
  • 5) Pharmaceutical manufacturing in the South: political, economic, social and environmental dimensions

Call for Papers / Submission of abstracts

The organisers invite papers that relate to one or more of five conference streams.Priority will be given to papers that present research results, or that offer critical or reflective comment, rather than purely descriptive papers. The abstract title should be no longer than 12 words. The abstract should commence with title of the proposed paper and the name(s) and institutional affiliation(s) of the presenter and author(s). The abstract should be a maximum of 250 words in simple text paragraphs without tables or sub-headings. If there is more than one author, all correspondence will be sent to the person whose name and email address is identified in the abstract as presenter. Include with the abstract 50 words of biographical details of each author. Please send 250 word abstracts by 15 April 2010 by email to: Mrs Chippy Kurian Sunil [Email: chippy.sunil(at)]
Acceptance of abstracts will be announced by 1 May 2010. Around 100 papers will be presented over the three days of the conference.

Further Details

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