Monday, March 22, 2010

6th Sixth International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) & Eleventh COLLNET Meeting

Sixth International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) & Eleventh COLLNET Meeting

19-22 October 2010

Venue: University of Mysore, Mysore, India

Quantitative aspects of science of science. Collaboration and communication in science and technology. Science policy. Combination and integration of qualitative and quantitative approaches.
Theoretical, methodological and applied aspects, for example:
  • Emerging issues in scientometrics/informetrics/webometrics and history
  • Science Policy and collaboration
  • Collaboration Studies for Science & Society
  • Collaboration, Knowledge Management & Industrial Partnership
  • Collaborative Bridge between Academic Research and Industry
  • Techniques for Collaboration Studies
  • Visualization Techniques in Collaboration Studies
  • Quantitative analysis of S&T innovations
  • Informetric laws and distributions, mathematical models of communication or collaboration
  • Nature and growth of science and of collaboration in science and its relation with technological output
  • Evaluation indicators
  • Collaboration in science and technology from both quantitative and qualitative points of view
Please, note that these examples listed above give a broad outline of the scope of the workshop theme but do not limit it.

COLLNET is a global interdisciplinary research network of scholars who are concerned to study aspects of collaboration in science and in technology (see COLLNET web site at: This network of interdisciplinary scholars was established in January 2000 in Berlin with Hildrun Kretschmer as coordinator. Since that time there have been 9 meetings: the first in Berlin, September 2000, the 2nd in New Delhi, February 2001 and the 3rd in Sydney (in association with the 8th ISSI Conference), July 2001. The former ISSI President Mari Davis has mentioned in the Newsletter, July 2003: Importantly, ISSI needs alliance with other groups, such as COLLNET, for broader reach among a range of interdisciplinary researchers and to encourage new thinking and perspectives on investigations in science and in technology. The 4th COLLNET Meeting took place on August 29th in 2003 in Beijing in conjunction with the 9th International ISSI Conference; the International Workshop on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics and 5th COLLNET Meeting in Roorkee, India, in March 2004. The 6th COLLNET Meeting took place in association with the 10th ISSI Conference in Stockholm, Sweden, in July 2005 and the International Workshop on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics and 7th COLLNET Meeting in Nancy, France, in May 2006. The Third International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, Scientometrics and Science and Society & Eighth COLLNET Meeting took place in New Delhi, India, in March 2007 (, the Fourth International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & Ninth COLLNET Meeting in Berlin, Germany in July 2008 ( and the Fifth International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & Tenth COLLNET Meeting in Dalian, China, in September 2009 (

Call for Papers
Papers are called presentation and publication in conference proceedings from , teachers, researchers and students. The papers submitted at the conference should be the original work of the author(s). Research papers based on surveys and case studies are given preference. The paper submitted should have been neither published anywhere nor kept under consideration for publication.
  • The article must be submitted according to the following format: The manuscript may be limited to 3000 to 5000 words.
  • Article should be submitted electronically.
  • All papers should be typed on Microsoft Word Version.
  • Paper size should be A4, Portrait (8.5"*11") with margins:1" (top & bottom and right):1.5" (left)
  • Heading & sub headings must be in bold font, justified and numbered according to the level of heading as below:
  • 1. First level heading
  • 1.1 Second level heading
  • 1.1.1 Third level heading
  • Figures, chairs, photos and tables within the article should have proper number and descriptions.
  • The font size is to be 12 in Times New Roman.
  • The main title should be followed by name, affiliation and address of the author(s) with email ID and contact numbers.
  • The length of the abstract should not be more than 200 words.
  • At least 5 keywords must be given after the abstract.
  • All papers must be accompanied by one passport size colour photograph and a brief CV.
  • Reference/bibliographies may be cited as per APA format prescribed by American-Psychological Association (
  • General presentations and descriptive articles are not encouraged. Submission of Papers: Original papers focusing on the theme of the conference are invited from the potential authors engaged in the area of Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics and related issues are requested to send their full paper so as to reach the organizing secretary before 15th August 2010.
Important Dates:
  • Extended Abstract (3 pages): April 15, 2010
  • Acceptance: May 15, 2010
  • Full Paper: August 15, 2010 (Camera-ready version, maximum 10 pages including tables, figures, references)
Both abstracts and full papers will be peer reviewed by the Programme Committee. The accepted full papers will be published in the proceedings. Please send your extended abstracts to: Hildrun Kretschmer {Kretschmer.h[at]}. Please send also a copy to: S.L. Sangam {slsangam[at]}.

Contact Information
Dr.P.V. Konnur
Organizing Secretary
Sixth International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & Eleventh COLLNET Meeting
C/o Department of Library and Information Science
University of Mysore
Manasagangotri, Mysore 570 006
Phone: +91-80-22961131, 23215510
Mobile: +91-9449679737
E-Mail: konnur[at]

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