Thursday, February 25, 2010

Conference on Science & Technology Studies in South Asia

Conference on Science & Technology Studies in South Asia

14-15 May 2010

Organized by the South Asia Institute at the University of Texas at Austin, USA

Call for Papers:

The South Asia Institute of the University of Texas at Austin announces a conference on the social studies of science, technology, environment, and medicine in modern South Asia. The conference will be held in Austin, Texas, on May 14 and 15, 2010.
It has been a number of years since the last gathering of STS-South Asia-related scholars took place at MIT, organized by Banu Subramaniam and Abha Sur. There has been a substantial increase in the number of scholars working on these topics since that time; especially exciting has been the rise in the number of graduate students doing PhDs on STS-South Asia-related issues.
The goals of this conference are simple: to offer a venue for scholars to present their work to an informed audience, to create a forum for discussion of issues of common interest, to inform participants about the state of the field, and to help build a community of STS-South Asia scholars. The conference will be organized as a sequential series of panels over two days, and will include at least one plenary lecture by a senior scholar in the field. Depending on the number of participants, roundtable discussions on Big Topics may be added as well.
Those interested in participating should submit a 300-word abstract of the paper they would like to present to by March 15, 2010. Organizers will endeavor to include as many papers as possible in the conference. Since one objective is to bring together STS-South Asia scholars from across North America, we encourage scholars who are not presenting papers to attend as well.
There is no conference registration fee. North America-based graduate students and scholars without tenure whose papers have been accepted are invited to apply to the conference for funds to defer the costs of travel and stay. The South Asia Institute at the University of Texas at Austin will host an opening and closing dinner for all conference participants.

Questions may be addressed to the conference organizers at: STS-SouthAsia[at]

Abstracts are due on March 15, 2010.

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