Thursday, January 21, 2010

National Research Conference on Climate Change

National Research Conference on Climate Change

Organized jointly by IIT Delhi, IIT Madras, and Centre for Science and Environment

Supported by ClimateWorks Foundation

Venue: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Dates: March 5-6, 2010

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD), Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM), and the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) are organizing a National Research Conference on Climate Change to be held at IITD on March 5 and 6, 2010.

This conference will cover major topics on scientific, technical, economic, and policy aspects of climate change relevant to India. Such a conference is the first in a series of annual conferences on this kind, with the possibility of targeted satellite conferences that are aimed at exploring particular themes in the climate arena (such as energy, disaster mitigation and adaptation, water, agriculture, etc.).

The main goals of this and future related conferences are to enhance capacity for climate research and action in the country by:

a. Identifying existing institutions and activities that are engaged in climate-related work in India;

b. Developing a common understanding of key issues;
c. Identifying lacunae in science, policy, and action that need particular attention;
d. Deepening and broadening institutional engagement, especially engaging smaller academic institutions and NGOs in local climate-related activities across all parts of the country;
e. Strengthening a sense of "community" among researchers;
f. Initiating the development of an Indian Climate Research Network and an Indian Climate Action Network;
g. Initiate a platform for a dialogue between researchers, NGOs, and policy-makers

We invite abstracts from faculty and other researchers, students, and practitioners in the areas relevant to the conference (see attached agenda). Selected abstracts will receive a slot for presentation or for the poster session. There will also be panel discussions involving invited speakers from a range of backgrounds.

Abstracts should be no more than 250 words and should also contain author affiliation(s) and contact details. Please send the abstract to NCCC2010[at], indicating which session/ topic for which it should be considered. Please also indicate if financial support will be needed for attending the conference (limited funding is available for travel and local expenses).
  • Abstract submission deadline: February 5, 2010
  • Acceptance notification: February 10, 2010

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