Thursday, January 28, 2010

Community-based Adaptation to Climate Change

Community-based Adaptation to Climate Change

Special Issue of Participatory Learning and Action

Guest edited by Hannah Reid, Mozaharul Alam, Rachel Berger, Terry Cannon, Angela Milligan

Volume 60, Number 1, December 2009

This special issue focuses on community-based approaches to climate change adaptation, building on the priorities, knowledge, and capacities of local people. It discusses how community-based approaches have emerged, and compares them with other participatory development and disaster risk reduction approaches. It highlights innovative participatory methods to help communities analyse the causes and effects of climate change, integrate scientific and community knowledge, and plan appropriate adaptation measures.

Table of Contents
  • Community-based adaptation to climate change: an overview [Authors: Reid, Hannah; Alam, Mozaharul; Berger, Rachel; Cannon, Terry; Huq, Saleemul; Milligan, Angela]
  • Combining different knowledges: community-based climate change adaptation in small island developing states [Authors: Kelman, Ilan; Mercer, Jessica; West, Jennifer J.]
  • Children's participation in community-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change [Authors: Tanner, Thomas; Garcia, Mercedes; Lazcano, Jimena; Molina, Fatima; Molina, Grace; Rodriguez, Gonzalo; Tribunalo, Baltz; Seballos, Fran]
  • Katalysis: helping Andean farmers adapt to climate change [Authors: Sherwood, Stephen; Bentley, Jeffery]
  • Ethics and methods in research for community-based adaptation: reflections from rural Vanuatu [Author: Warrick, Olivia]
  • Participatory rice variety selection in Sri Lanka [Authors: Berger, Rachel; Weregoda, Rohana; Rathnabharathie, Varuna]
  • Lessons from a participatory transboundary water governance project in West Africa [Author: Wong, Sam]
  • Participatory threedimensional mapping for disaster risk reduction [Authors: Gaillard, Jean-Christophe; Maceda, Emmanuel A.]Amplifying children's voices on climate change: the role of participatory video [Author: Plush, Tamara]
  • Farmers become filmmakers: climate change adaptation in Malawi [Authors: Baumhardt, Fernanda; Lasage, Ralph; Suarez, Pablo; Chadza, Charles]
  • Developing a climate change analysis - extract adapted from CHRISTIAN AID ADAPTATION TOOLKIT
  • Rain calendars: a tool for understanding changing rainfall patterns and effects on livelihoods [Authors: Awuor, Cynthia; Hammill, Anne]
  • Mental models: understanding the causes and consequences of climate change [Authors: Tschakert, Petra; Sagoe, Regina]
  • Child-friendly participatory research tools [Authors: Molina, Grace; Molina, Fatima; Tanner, Thomas; Seballos, Fran]
  • Participatory scenario development for climate change adaptation [Authors: Bizikova, Livia; Dickinson, Thea; Pintér, László]
  • Reflections on practical ethics for participatory community-based adaptation [Authors: Absalom, Elkanah; Rambaldi, Giacomo]
  • Communication maps: a participatory tool to understand communication patterns and relationships [Author: Zaveri, Sonal]
  • Rivers of life [Author: Moussa, Ziad]
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