Monday, November 30, 2009

CDS-IIFT-RIS National Seminar on ASEAN-India Free Trade Agreement & Way Forward

CDS-IIFT-RIS National Seminar on ASEAN-India Free Trade Agreement & Way Forward

5-6 February 2010

Venue: Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Call for Papers

The recently signed ASEAN-India Free Trade Agreement (FTA) has had mixed responses. While it has been hailed as the beginning of the end of India’s isolation from major trading blocs and a firm step towards Pan Asian economic integration, the Agreement has been opposed in some regions and by a few sectoral interests in India which feel threatened because imports from the ASEAN would be promoted. Given the sensitivities of the issues involved, there is a need for systematic analysis of the implications of ASEAN-India FTA for India.

Against this background, the National Research Programme on Plantation Development (NRPPD) at CDS jointly with the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) and Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), propose to organize a national seminar with a view to promote discussion based on theoretically informed empirical analysis. The objective is to identify the real threats, highlight the opportunities and facilitate policy making.

We invite research papers on the macro and micro aspects of ASEAN India FTA. Contributions on sector-specific (e.g. Plantations and Fisheries) and region-specific (e.g.North East Region, Kerala) issues are especially welcome. The Scholars selected will be paid lowest economy class to and fro air fare to participate at the Seminar.

Important dates:

  • Detailed abstracts (500 words): 15 December 2009.
  • Final Papers: 30 January 2010.
  • Email: nrppd[at] OR kjjoseph[at]

Further Details

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