Wednesday, September 2, 2009

International Conference on Environmental Issues in Emerging and Advanced Economies

International Conference on Environmental Issues in Emerging and Advanced Economies: Canada, India
6-8 December 2009
Organized Jointly by Department of Chemistry & James Reaney Canadian Centre, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad
Under Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada Through Shastri Indo Canadian Institute Ottawa/New Delhi

Call for Papers
Twenty-first century is unprecedented in human history as there are three transitions that are taking place simultaneously in the fields of demography, economy and environment. The proposed conference attempts to probe them through the experiences of Canada, an advanced economy with low stress on demography but high stress on environment through global warming and Arctic shrinkages; and India, an emerging economy with high stress on demography but low stress on environmental issues, mainly because of the emerging Service Sector that constitutes more than 52% of Indian economy.
While the fast paced development of emerging economies in its wake brings a number of problems and environmental issues like global warming, glacial Arctic shrinkage, reduction of Green house gasses, environmental pollution through Kyoto Protocols and other international treaties and interventions, that the advanced economies like Canada have the experience of tackling (though mostly to their advantage), there are many other issues that need to be addressed and tackled so that the emerging economies exploit their full potentials for the benefit of their people. However, with the integration of the world economic system and creation of a unipolar political world order resulting in the interdependence of the emerging and the advanced economies for their growth and sustenance have catapulted the environmental issues centre stage. The conference therefore proposes to discuss these issues related to environment, from the perspectives of science and technology, social sciences, live sciences, philosophy, ethics, law, commerce, trade and liberal arts, among others, so as to build bridges of understanding between India and Canada to benefit mutually.
The conference will consist of invited lectures and presentations by eminent persons and researchers from various Academic and Research Institutes across the country. The concluding session will have a panel discussion followed by summarization of various deliberations. Broad areas to be covered in the conference are listed in the following sections:
(A) Economic Development and its impact on global warming
(B) Global warming - challenges
(C) Environmental pollution and its impact on human health
(D) Environmental issues and its legal aspects
(E) The social issues
(F) Space technology and disaster management
(G) Role of literature and performing arts in bringing the awareness on the environmental problems
(H) Philosophy, Ethics and Politics of Environmentalisms
Submission of Abstract
Participants are requested to send an abstract not exceeding 250 words mentioning thesection of their choice (Section A-H) to Director, International Conference by 5 November 2009 by email: iceiguj[at]

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