Friday, September 11, 2009

International Conference on Hands-on Science

Sixth International Conference on Hands-on Science (HSCI 2009)

Science for All: Quest for Excellence

27-31 October 2009

Venue: Science City, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Organized By:

  • International Association Hands-on Science Network (HSCI Network)
  • International Centre for Science Communication (ICSC)
  • National Council for Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC/DST)
  • Vigyan Prasar (VP)
  • Gujarat Council of Science City (GCSC)
  • Institute of Management & Advanced Studies (IMAS)
  • Science Technology and Development Initiative (STAD)

The importance of learning by doing has been an old adage. This can be considered to be about internalising the concept and the phenomenon by performing hands-on experience at it, thereby synchronizing head and hands together to achieve excellence in every walk of life. This is how science has progressed to the present level, though slowly it went into shell for masses and remained mostly confined to scientific world. But science and technology, not a matter of masses, is a dangerous preposition. This new awakening is to undo this very error and re-establish the public understanding of science and technology and literacy. This is to spread far and wide that science can be befriended easily by understanding it while actually doing activity and try out experimentation at basic level. Hands-on Science has been emphasised by the experts and proponents of popularisation of science skills culture and science education. Several organisations, groups and experts have been working in their own knowledge spheres in different parts of the world and achieving results, which are encouraging. Hands-on science has been a movement for enhancing the level of human outcome and innovation in the society using formal and informal science education and communication channels. Many society organisations and associations of scientists, technologists and educators have been propagating the idea and have generated lot of experience and devised methodologies to achieve these goals. It is high time that the subject finds coordinated platform in the widest range of continents and countries, in particular this time in India, which is evidently one of the fastest emerging economies of the world as well as the powerhouse of traditional and modern technologies, knowledge and innovative practices. The ultimate benefit shall be for the people, for all, and the cause of science and technology focusing on scientific and technological temper as well to be able to serve the mankind better. Aiming excellence by providing SCIENCE FOR ALL.

Who can Participate

The conference is designed for the participants from all possible interest groups including schools, government agencies, universities, science and technology institutions, research and development organizations, learned and professional societies, etc. It may attract researchers, educators and practitioners of hands-on science movement, skill and innovation, i.e. scientists, technologists, academicians, science teachers, writers, science communicators, journalists, editors, research scholars, science students and faculty members of journalism, public relations and information officers of scientific organizations, science museums and science centres, representatives of media organizations, newspapers, magazines, science producers of radio/ TV channels, science activists from NGOs; and government officials, policy makers.

Submission of Abstract/ Paper/ Poster/ Lecture/ Workshop Proposal

Further Details

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