Monday, July 27, 2009

IUSSTF Third Call for Proposals 2009

The Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF)

Third Call for Proposals - 2009

The Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF), established under an agreement between the Governments of India and the United States of America, is an autonomous, not for profit society that promotes and catalyses the Indo-US bilateral collaborations in science, technology, engineering and biomedical research through substantive interaction among government, academia and industry.

The IUSSTF seeks to support innovative programs aimed to stimulate interactions that have a strong potential for generating follow-on activities and building long term Indo-US S&T relationships. The IUSSTF promotes program that nurtures contacts between the young and mid career scientists and technologists and fosters active public-private partnership in R&D.

The IUSSTF solicits proposals thrice a year (submission deadline – February, June, October) jointly submitted by the US and Indian Principal Investigators from academia, government institutions/laboratories and private R&D entities for:

  • Knowledge R&D networked and Public–Private networked Indo-US centres
  • Indo-US workshops, conferences, symposium
  • Training program/advance schools
  • Travel grants

Detailed format available at

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