Friday, July 10, 2009

Fourth Workshop on Creation and Dissemination of Knowledge

Fourth Workshop on "Creation and Dissemination of Knowledge"

27-29 July 2009, New Delhi

Organized by:

Centre for Management of Innovation and Technology, International Management Institute (IMI), New Delhi

Sponsored by:

Technology Management Programme Division, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India

Workshop Objectives

  • Develop awareness of the status of knowledge intensity in the economy
  • Discuss actions needed for developing policy framework and strategies for focusing on the activities in which knowledge content needs to be increased at a fast rate
  • Analyze the functions, role and performance of the stakeholders and institutions engaged in knowledge creation and dissemination
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses of human resource development systems for transformation of the agro-industrial economy to a knowledge economy
  • Examine the avenues for and processes of dissemination of knowledge


The Workshop will be conducted in an interactive mode through a mix of lectures and discussions. Eminent experts will be invited to make presentations for sharing their expertise and perceptions with the participants on identified topics. Simultaneously, participants will hold discussions in groups on issues of their interest and concern. Towards the end, participants will make presentations of their groups' findings and conclusions for sharing the same with the rest of the participants.

Target Group

Participation will be invited from senior and middle level personnel engaged in promotion, planning, implementing and utilizing R&D and innovation activities. For drawing a wide spectrum of experience of participants, they will belong to diverse organizations such as government departments, research institutions, universities, trade and industry associations, corporate sector and NGOs.

Duration and Place

The Workshop will be held for three working days from Monday, the 27th July to Wednesday, the 29th July, 2009 at the IMI campus from 9:30A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Participants will be expected to continue their discussions beyond working hours in order to complete their group work and present the same on the final day.

Participation Arrangements

There is no participation fee. Operational expenses will be met from funds provided by DSIR. The Workshop will provide one set of learning resource material to each participant. Working lunch and tea will also be provided during the relevant breaks on the days of the Workshop. Participants shall have to make their own arrangements for travel, local conveyance, lodging and boarding and other personal expenses. Participants are expected to report at the venue half an hour before the commencement of the Workshop on the first day and attend all the sessions up to the close of working hours on the final day. They may have to devote evenings to group work assigned to them as a part of the Workshop. They will be required to submit their group reports on the final day of the workshop.

Nominations for Participation

Nominations of intending participants should be sent by post/fax as also by email so as to reach CMIT latest by Friday, the 17th July, 2009 by the heads of divisions/ departments/ organizations giving the following particulars:

  • Name of the nominee
  • Designation, division/department and organization
  • Office address
  • Phone number
  • Residential address and Phone number
  • E-mail ID

Nominating organizations can send more than one nomination if they so wish.

Nominations should be addressed to:
Prof. M. K. Khanijo
Coordinator (CMIT)
International Management Institute
B-10 Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi -110016, India
e-mail: khanijo[at]
Telefax: (+91-11 ) 46013050

See Also:

Khanijo, M.K. (2008). Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Creation and Dissemination of Knowledge. Second Workshop on Creation and Dissemination of Knowledge, Chandigarh, India.

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