Wednesday, June 3, 2009

UNDP APRI Fellowships 2009

The Asia-Pacific Regional Human Development Initiative (APRI) Fellowships
The UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Human Development Initiative (APRI) announces the opening of two types of Human Development fellowships for citizens of the Asia-Pacific countries.

Theme: Climate Change and Human Development

Human Development Academic Fellowships
The aim of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Academic Fellowships for Asia and Pacific is to analyse issues from the human development perspective, with a focus on fostering creative thinking and innovative research on the subject among young people. The research must focus on a well-defined aspect of human development, could be theoretical, applied, policy-oriented or a combination and must amount to a substantive contribution to human development thinking relevant for the region.The Fellowship is intended for young Ph.D. students who are at an advanced dissertation stage working on a topic related to human development – theoretical, applied or policy oriented.
Download Brochure of Academic Fellowship 2009

Human Development Media Fellowships
The aim of the UNDP Human Development Fellowships for Asia Pacific (Media) is to encourage dissemination and advocacy on issues of concern to countries of the Asia Pacific region from a human development perspective. The fellowship was developed based on the premise that stronger media coverage of human development could promote focus on critical development concerns. The fellowship is intended to support mid-career media professionals to communicate human development themes in mainstream media.
Download Brochure of Media Fellowship 2009

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