Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Third IDSA Annual Conference on South Asia

Third IDSA Annual Conference on South Asia

Theme: South Asia 2020: Towards Cooperation or Conflict?

Proposed dates: November 4-6, 2009

Organized by the Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis, New Delhi

This international seminar aims to bring together scholars of the region to explore some of these ideas and initiate a debate on how we look at our respective countries and the region from the prism of conflict or cooperation in 2020. The goal is to exchange ideas and reflect on a collective future in which regional cooperation can resolve common problems and achieve common goals. The objective of the seminar is to chart out a path for mutual cooperation and let differences not hinder cooperation. The conference will reflect on some of these questions:

  • Can the countries of the region look forward to better political relations in 2020?
  • How will democratization impact civil society movements and enable greater people to people contact?
  • What will be the framework of cooperation to deal with non-state actors?
  • Will there be greater trade and investment from within the region?
  • What will be the role of external powers in the region?
  • How do countries of South Asia look at the future given the development in communication network, transnational security threats, environment challenges and problems of development in 2020?
  • Will the region be able to cope with issues food, water and energy security?
  • Will the countries and the region be able to deal with climate change?

Call for Papers

The Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis, New Delhi, invites papers from scholars, academics, analysts and security experts on "South Asia 2020: Towards Cooperation or Conflict?". Scholars invited will be paid return economy class air fare from the country of their residence to New Delhi to participate in the conference. The organizers will take care of boarding, lodging and local hospitality during the period of this conference. Kindly send 500 words abstract on any issue delineated in the concept note. The deadline for submission of the abstract is July 31, 2009. For further information or clarification on this conference please contact the Conference Coordinator Dr Smruti S Pattanaik in her email address: smrutipattanaik[at]rediffmail.com

Concept Note

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