Sunday, May 24, 2009

Past Experience, Cognitive Frames, and Entrepreneurship: Some Econometric Evidence from the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry

Bhaduri, Saradindu; Worch, Hagen (2008). Past Experience, Cognitive Frames, and Entrepreneurship: Some Econometric Evidence from the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry. Papers on Economics & Evolution Number 0804. Jena: Max-Planck Institute for Economics, 2008.


The theoretical literature identifies three important entrepreneurial dimensions, namely discovering new opportunities, responsiveness to uncertainty, and coordination of a firm. In the empirical literature, past experience has been identified as having an important influence on organizational behavior. This literature, however, focuses predominantly on the impact of experience on new opportunities using a resource-based view and human capital perspective. In contrast, we draw upon the cognitive science literature to argue that past experience shapes an entrepreneur’s cognitive frame, and, hence, influences entrepreneurship in a more holistic manner. We provide econometric evidence of the impact of past experience on all three entrepreneurial dimensions from the small scale Indian pharmaceutical enterprises.

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Bhaduri, Saradindu; Ray, Amit Shovon (2009). "Co-evolution of IPR Policy and Technological Learning in Developing Countries: A Game-theoretic Model", Discussion Paper No. 09-04; Mexico City: GLOBELICS 2008 & New Delhi: Centre for International Trade and Development, SIS, JNU, 2009. Download Full-text PDF

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