Monday, May 4, 2009

First Indian Youth Science Congress 2009

First Indian Youth Science Congress

Date: June 5-7, 2009

Venue: Chennai

Organized by M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai; Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Chennai; and SRM University, Chennai

Focal Theme 1: Youth and Shaping the Future of Innovations in Science for Societal Needs

Focal Theme 2: Your Planet Needs You: Unite to Combat Climate Change

India is a land of the youth with more than sixty percent of the population of 1.1 billion falling under the age of thirty-five. The opportunities for education in science and technology are growing. Our young scientists are making a mark in many areas of technology like biotechnology, space, atomic energy, information and communication, etc. Increasing number of IITs and Technical Universities are being established. There are also many Women’s and Rural Universities as well as Home Science Colleges. There are nearly sixty Agricultural, Veterinary and Fisheries Universities. Universities also exist in the field of Forestry. The time is, therefore, opportune to provide our young scholars and scientists an opportunity for sharing their views on how our country can progress not only in technology development but also in dissemination. How can we become world leaders in frontier areas of science and technology? How can our young scientists be nurtured to grow into Nobel Laureates?

Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Shri Manmohan Singh, while inaugurating the Indian Science Congress at Shillong on 3rd January 2009, made the following timely observation “The best science is done by young people. Our institutions must be receptive to the needs of young people. They must promote younger talent and allow youth to lead. Seniority and age may be relevant in bureaucratic systems, but scientific institutions must be led by intellectual leaders, irrespective of age”.

The Indian Youth Science Congress (IYSC) is being organized at Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (An Autonomous Organization of Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, GOI) Sriperumbudur, Chennai, TamilNadu during June 5-7, 2009. It intend to provide a voice to young scientists and scholars on how we as a nation can contribute more to advancing the frontiers of knowledge and knowledge based wealth.

The IYSC will provide a forum for young professionals in agriculture, science, technology and innovation to discuss and share the expertise and experiences on how to tap and utilize science, technology and innovation for India’s development. The programme will comprise of special lecture by eminent scientists, technical sessions on identified themes, and special forums for young scientists, poster sessions and exhibitions .

The congress will discuss and deliberate on following thematic areas with reference to application of science, technology and policy interventions

  • Recent Advances in Life Sciences (Agriculture, Biotechnology etc)
  • Recent Advances in Frontier Technologies (Space, Communication, Bioinformatics, Physical andChemical Technology, Energy, Nanotechnology etc)
  • Climate Change and Mitigating Its ImpactConservation and Enhancement of Natural Resource (Biodiversity, Traditional Knowledge Systems, Water Quality etc)
  • Ensuring Health Security (Medical Biotechnology, Pharmacology etc)
  • Inculcating Scientific Temper at the Early Career Stages (Linking Science and Society)
  • Enlarging the Opportunities for Self-employment

Participation is invited from young research scholars and students (B.Tech / M.Sc. / M.Tech / M.Phil/ Ph.D / Post Doc) to present their work relevant to the themes mentioned above. Students and scholars who are not presenting their work are also encouraged to register as observers without submitting any abstract, and participate in all the events of IYSC 2009.

Interested participants are requested to send the following on or before 15th May 2009, to the Organising secretary, IYSC 2009.

  1. One page abstract (not applicable for observers)
  2. Filled in registration form
  3. Registration fee as demand draft (DD) drawn in favour of M.S. Swaminathan Research Fountation, payable at Chennai
  4. Bonafide certificate form research supervisors for scholars and from Head of the Department or other competent authorities for students

Participants should also send their abstract by e-mail to The abstracts will be reviewed and selected for presentation at IYSC 2009. Among the selected abstracts, some will be chosen for oral presentation and all others will have to be presented as posters. The selection of the abstract for oral or poster and the guidelines for preparation of the poster and oral presentation will be communicated by e-mail by 20th May 2009, and also published in the websites (,, The participants whose abstract was not selected or presentation at IYSC 2009 can participate as observer.

Registration Fee

  • Delegates: Rs. 1000
  • Research Scholars: Rs. 600
  • Students: Rs. 400

Participants are requested to arrange for their travel expenditure from their own resources. However, need based travel support will be provided to few participants on specific request and based on availability of resources. Accommodation for the participants will be provided for free in guesthouses and students hostels. Accommodation in Hotels will be arranged on payment basis.


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